Here's Lexi with less hair and less teeth! It's ironic that just as she's losing her front teeth, Colton is getting his. He's a lot less happy about the situation than Lexi is though.
I have to brag for a minute about Lexi and how brave she is. She's always been willing to try something new and pretty independent and confident (with a lot of things anyway). She's pretty good at "picking herself up and dusting herself off" after she falls (as they say). Well, when it comes time to pull a tooth out she's EXCITED for me to do it (can't say the same for her daddy). Anyway, this last one was really loose I thought, but ended up being quite stubborn and not coming out. After trying a lot of techniques (all of which I know were very uncomfortable for Lexi) I said maybe let's wait another day and try again. But no, Lexi said "No mom, please just do it now, you can do it!" So I ( and she) persevered and .... success. She whimpered a bit during this whole process, but no crying or screaming or flailing etc. (at least not from her). I really appreciate her attitude about those things.
During these last few days she's also developed a suspicious rash (you might be able to tell a little on her face in the picture) that we just found out today is fifth's disease. Luckily it seems to be a mild case in the fact that it's not itching her too bad. The Dr. gave her the OK to go back to school and the second we left the doctor's office Lexi was begging to go back. I know a lot of kids have been giving her a hard time about the way she her face looks lately and making fun of her, but she's just brushing it off. I can't say I'd have handled all of this that well at her age (I'm sure my parents can attest to that).
Anyway just felt like expressing my gratitude for my little girl - who's not so little anymore. She's a pretty cool chick!